Thursday, January 28, 2010

The Filter

So I bought a Brita water pitcher complete with filter about 3 months ago. It has been great getting fresh clean water. When you fill the pitcher up, you can see the water go through the filter and little black pieces start to float but get caught in the filter to prevent you from drinking it. Well, a few days ago, I went to go buy replacement filters because they recommend that you change it every three months to continue to get quality water. But I was curious if I really did need to change the filter out. So while changing them out, I decided to randomly shake the old filter which sounded like an egg shaker. So I took out the new one that I had just put in and it made no sound. All the black filaments from the water had gotten caught in there and I thought that is really awesome.
So the question is, are you allowing God to "filter" the black filaments that are in you right now? When you have never had unfiltered water, drinking tap water doesn't taste bad. I mean the body that God built has the capabilities to get rid of it without the filter. However, once I had the fresh pure filtered water with no stuff in it, I didn't have any desire to go back. So let God do his thing and filter out the black stuff in your life. I mean he is the Creator of all things including you so he should know what you need and what you need out of your life.

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